Safety tips you may need in the event of an emergency

A grasp of first aid is useful at the best of times, but especially when you’re heading out into the wilderness to take part in some daring activities. The following advice is not a substitute for seeking medical attention in urgent and severe cases, but it should help you to properly deal with minor issues. In the event of an emergency, there are also some tips which can help you keep a cool head and ensure the emergency services get the information they need.

For major incidents, head immediately to the nearest hospital. Uninjured parties can create a beneficial atmosphere of confidence and reassurance by: Staying in control of both yourself and the problem Acting calmly and logically Being gentle but firm, both with your hands and by speaking to the casualty kindly, but purposefully Recalling what you can about any plants or animals that may have caused the injury In all situations, think safety first


While it may not sound as dramatic as a broken bone or a poisonous snake bite, the most persistent threat in Saudi Arabia is the omnipresent sun. For most of the year, you can expect temperatures above 30°C, with remote desert locations offering little in the form of shelter. When exploring the country’s wilderness, it is essential to take a responsible approach to the climate. Take as much water as you can carry, wear long, loose clothing as well as high-factor sunscreen, and protect your head with a hat. Reports do emerge of desert-going tourists – not only in the Arabian Peninsula but across the world – who succumb to dehydration because they have not taken enough water.


Poisonous creatures need their poison to kill their prey and, since humans are too large a prey for them, they will usually try to avoid using it needlessly. However, incidents may happen if you stand on something you shouldn’t. An allergic reaction to a relatively unassuming insect, like the black ant, is likely to be more dangerous than any exotic species.

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