Makhrouq Arch
Sculpted sandstone and incredible views




Another spectacular example of the Tuwayq escarpment’s glory, this naturally-arched sandstone formation is one of the most impressive in Riyadh, sculpted over hundreds of millions of years by the wind and rain and overlooking a beautiful valley. It’s the highlight of the route, though roaming through this isolated area also offers pristine scenery, varied driving and hiking, while camping opportunities abound.

  Makhrouq Arch

Should you pitch a tent for the night, forget the lie-in. Get up early as sunrise is the best time to hike to Makhrouq Arch to appreciate its elegant curves, take in the superb view and capture some memorable moments on camera. There is a clear track to follow, winding around ‘Ice Cream Rock’ – a distinct rock formation that resembles a scoop of ice cream, complete with toppings. After the initial ascent, the route somewhat steepens and becomes moderately challenging due to loose, shaly sections. There’s plenty of room once you reach the arch, with a flat ledge upon which you can sit and enjoy the panorama.

  Fossil Valley

If you’re a confident hiker, climb to the top of the arch to continue exploring crags further along the escarpment, or search for fossils in the hilly plains, which spent millions of years as a seabed. In the foothills east of the arch, the ground is scattered with fossilised seashells and coral and what seems to be thousands of perfectly rounded stones – smooth marble-shaped spheres shaped by centuries of water. Further along, another smaller arch has formed along the escarpment.


Saudi Arabia has made great strides to protect its natural environment and wildlife. The Kingdom increased its proportion of protected areas and nature reserves from 4% in 2016 to 14% in 2020, before a royal decree later in the year established six additional royal nature reserves. This took the total to 21 special sites, including the National Ibex Reserve in Riyadh. A new dedicated taskforce, the Special Forces for Environmental Security (SFES), was also appointed to protect the environment, wildlife and biodiversity across the Kingdom, and enforce laws and regulations in conservation areas.


The area is adjacent to The National Ibex Reserve, 2,000km2 of safeguarded territory established by the National Commission for Wildlife Conservation and Development in 1988 to protect the Nubian ibex, a type of mountain goat that lives in the rocky wadis.

Thanks in part to a general ban on hunting enacted in 1979, the reserve now contains the largest wild population of ibex in the Kingdom and populations are slowly increasing, with herds of up to 30 sighted. Other species in the reserve are also thriving, including the rock hyrax, which resembles an oversized guinea pig, mountain gazelle and mongoose, with recent sightings of the rare Blanford’s fox.


After exiting the highway, this route follows a mixture of sandy and gravel tracks with some rocky terrain. There are visible tracks to follow at most points and some narrow sections snake between boulders.

  1     After exiting the main road, follow the track along the gravelly plains.

  2     After navigating a short descent between small boulders, the area opens up to a flat section ideal for camping.

On the left side of the track there is a visible trail that leads to the plateau past Ice Cream Rock to the Makhrouq Arch.

  3     Follow the tracks through the flat plains beneath the mountains, which are strewn with fossils.

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