Khashm al Hisan
Forts and fossils



Recommended for FOSSIL HUNTING

Exploration of this stark stretch of rocky desert at the foot of the Tuwayq escarpment will reveal prehistoric fossils and some uniquely-shaped rocks and boulders which have been sculpted by wind and water over hundreds of years. Sections of the escarpment beg to be climbed, and further adventure can be found among the ruins of Al Thurmani Fort.


Mind your step while exploring the site, especially if you have children, as there are open wells in the area.



The old town of Raghabah features numerous historical landmarks that make it an excellent stop before beginning your off-road journey. For a blast from the past, make sure to visit Al Marqab Tower, which provided a line of defence during the city’s early years, or marvel at the beautiful architecture of Al Jeraisy Castle.

  Khashm al Hisan

Hikers can try their luck scaling the escarpment at any point they choose, though there are some higher, flatter sections of promontory at Khashm al Hisan and Khashm al Thurab. The prominence of these points might only extend 150m or so above the valley, but the views across the vast desert landscape are a worthy reward.


For those driving the route with children, be sure to factor in a fossil-hunting expedition. As you explore the arid valleys beneath the escarpment, it can be difficult to imagine that a vast sea covered the entire region some 160 million years ago. Digging out a horn-shaped shell or a piece of coral embedded in the rock can suddenly make the vision of an ancient seabed all the more real.

Those searching for the perfect campsite or a shaded lunch spot should note that there’s very little shelter near the escarpment, however there’s a sandy wadi bed with plenty of trees marked on the map.

  Al Thurmani Palace

Close to the main road near Al Barrah, the route passes another intriguing site: the weathered ruins of Al Thurmani Palace. The petite fort has an arched entrance and a surprisingly intact tower, with the remains of foundations and an old wall scattered nearby. It sits on the crest of a low hill, with views over an abandoned farm and dry wadi below.


The drive barrels along wide, open plains with tracks following the base of the escarpment, which features the classic sharp cliffs and unusual geological shapes the Tuwayq is known for. All are easily discovered in just a few short strides from the car.

  1     Take the left track before the gate to explore the valley, or go straight to Raghabah to start your trip by visiting the heritage landmarks.

  2     You can head left here, up into the foothills for some camping and hiking. Return to the main route and continue straight (there’s lots of alternative tracks off the main route for further exploration).

  3     Take the left track to explore the valley further, or continue towards the paved road. 

  4     Eventually the track meets a paved road. Turn right and stop to explore Al Thurmani Palace before continuing to the end of the route. 


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